• 2023 Ambassador Six Classes

This training will be held in Plaza View in early 2023.  It will be in six segments, and will be recorded.

    • LLL Segment One
    • LLL Segment Two
    • LLL Segment Three
    • LLL Segment Four
    • LLL Segment Five
    • LLL Segment Six

  • 2022 Tuesday Ambassador Hour

This training will be held in Plaza View in early 2023.  It will be in six segments, and will be recorded.

  • Robert’s Tech Talks – 2020, 2021, 2022

    iPhone 8 vs iPhone SE: The two phones are the same inside, they are just packaged a little differently.

    Android Class – 6 part series: Android works differently than iPhone. Here is an overview of your Androind phone.

    Better Google Searches: There are tips you can use to find exactly what you are looking for. For example: Mustang car or animal?

    • Zoom: Find out how to attend meetings on your phone or computer

    • Basic:
    • Intermediate:

    • Using Filmora 10
    • Open Office – 6 part series:
      Open Office is essentially a FREE version of Microsoft Office. It has about 95% of the functionality of MS Office, but it costs you nothing to use.