Key of G

Acapital ship for an ocean trip was the Walloping Window Blind
No w i n d t h a t b l e w d i s m a y e d t h e c r e w o r t r o u b l e d
the captain’s mind The man at the wheel was made to f e e l contempt for the wildest blow
For it often appeared when the gale had cleared that he’d been in his bunk below.

T h e n blow ye winds hi-ho. A-roving I will go.
I ‘ I l stay no more on England’s shore so let the music play
I’m off for the morning train. I’ll cross the raging main.
I’m off to my love with a boxing glove 10 thousand miles away.

The b o ‘ s w a i n ‘ s m a t e was v e r y s e d a t e y e t f o n d o f a m u s e m e n t t o o . He played hop-scotch with the starboard watch while the captain
tickled the crew.
And the gunner we had was apparently mad for he sat on the after rail
And fired salutes with the captain’s boots in the teeth of the booming gale.

The captain sat on the commodore’s hat and dined in a royal way. On toasted pigs and pickles and figs and gunnery bread each day.
And the cook was Dutch and behaved as such for the diet he gave the crew Was a number of tons of hot cross buns served up with sugar and glue.

All nautical pride we laid aside and rar the vessel ashore.
On the Gulliby Isles where the Poo-poo smiles & the rubbly Updugs roar
And we sat on the edge of a sandy ledge and shot at the whistling bee
And the cinnamon bats wore waterproof hats as they dipped in the shiny sea

On R u g – b u g b a r k f r o m m o r n t i l d a r k we d i n e d t i l we a l l h a d g r o w n Uncommonly shrunk when a Chinese junk came up from the Torribly Zone She was chubby and square but we didn’t much care so we cheerily
put out to sea.
And we left all the crew of the junk to chew on the bark of the
Rug-bug tree.