Full credit given to  Women’s Army Corps Veterans Association for all content on this page.


A legend in your own time
Air Force Song, The
Army Song (Caissons Go Rolling Along) , The
Bless ‘Em All
Coast Guard – Semper Paratus, The
Duty – WAC Song
Ft. Des Moines (Oglethorpe) WAC Song
Gee, Mom, I Wanna Go Home
I’ve Got Six Pence (WAC Version)
I’m homeward bound
Infantry, The
Just for Fun
K. P.’s are Scrubbing Away (WAC Version), The
K-K-K-K- P
Marching Along Together
Marine Hymn, The
Navy – Anchors Aweigh, The
Oh Me! Oh My! That Ain’t G. I.
Salute to the WAC
Song of the Women’s Army Corps
Tags that Jingle, Jangle, Jingle
This is the Army
WAC Thanks for the Memory
WACs Pledge of Allegiance
We Ain’t Gonna Get No Gigs No More
We’ll be Good Soldiers
We’re in the Army Now
We’re the Women’s Army Corps
You’re in the Army Now

The Army Song
Over hill, over dale,
As we hit the dusty trail,
And those caissons go rolling along.
In and out, hear them shout,
“Counter march and right about”
And the caissons go rolling along.
Then it’s Hi! Hi! Hee! In the Field Artillery
Shout out your numbers loud and strong,
Wher’er you go, you will always know,
That those caissons go rolling along,
And those caissons go rolling along.

The Coast Guard – Semper Paratus
So here’s the Coast Guard marching song
We sing on land or sea
Through surf and storm and howling gale,
His shall our purpose be.
“Semper Paratus” is our guide,
Our fame, our glory, too,
To fight to save, or fight and die! Aye!
Coast Guard, we are for you.

The Navy – Anchors Aweigh
Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh
Fare well to all these joys,
We sail at break of day-ay-ay-ay,
To our last night on shore,
Drink to the foam,
Until we meet once more
Here’s wishing you a happy voyage home.

The Marine Hymn
From the Halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli,
We will fight our country’s battles
On the land and on the sea
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our country free
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine

The Air Force Song
Off we go into the wild blue yonder,
Climbing high into the sun
Here they come, zooming to meet our thunder
At ‘em boys, give ‘er the gun!
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under.
Off with on hell of a roar!
We live in fame or go down in flames,
Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force.

Duty – WAC Song
(Tune: Col. Bogey March words by Major Dorothy E. Nielsen,
Duty is calling you and me,
We have a date with destiny,
Ready, the WACs are ready,
Their pulse is steady,
A world to set free,
Da de da da da da,
Service, we’re in heart and soul,
Victory is our only goal.
We love our Country’s honor,
And we’ll defend it against any foe.

Song of the Women’s Army Corps
If the task at hand is an Army command
And the deadline is zero hour,
If the way is rough and the odds are tough
And the need is for all out power,
And if everyday brings a challenge your way,
No matter what the score,
Count the mission won, for the job will be done

Pallas Athene, Goddess of Victory
History tells your story brave,
And our own Statue of Liberty,
Shows what we’ve sworn to save!

Shout the word around, let the echo resound
On every distant shore,
Whether peace or war, there’s a need evermore,

The K. P.’s are Scrubbing Away (WAC Version)
(Tune: The Caissons Go Rolling Along)
Over sinks, over pails
With the Sergeant on our tails
All the K. P.’s are scrubbing away
Shining pots, shining pans,
Cleaning out the garbage cans
All the K. P.’s are scrubbing away

CHORUS: Oh it’s Hi! Hi! Hee! In the Kitchen scullery
Sixteen long hours of the day
And Wher’er we go,
By the smell you’ll always know,
That the K. P.’s are scrubbing away
(Keep em scrubbing)
That the K. P.’s are scrubbing away

We’re the Women’s Army Corps
(Tune: The Caissons Go Rolling Along)
From the East to the West we’re the bestest of the best
We’re the Women’s Army Corps
So it hail all hail
The women will not fail
To help make the foe turn tail
Join our song and with us march along
In the Women’s Army Corps

We’re in the Army Now
(Tune: “Glow Worm”)
At crack of dawn, we mop the porches
Shine our shoes by light of torches
Shave our necks for two-inch clearance
Still we’re gigged for personal appearance
Turn out sheets with a six-inch ruler,
Send our rings back to the jeweler
We don’t care, we’ll show them how,
We’re in the Army now

You’re in the Army Now
You’re in the Army now
You’re not behind the plow
You’ll never get rich
A diggin’ a ditch
You’re in the Army now

You’re in the Army now
You’re in the Army now
You’ll never get rich
On the salary which
You get in the Army now

Salute to the WAC
(Tune: Notre Dame Victory March)
Cheer, cheer our women at war
Pride of the nation, serving the Corps
In the air, on sea or land,
Giving our soldiers a helping hand
Serving through dangers great and small
Fighters for freedom, honor them all
Hail the Women’s Army Corps
That’s fighting for Victory

K-K-K-K- P
(Parody of the chorus: K-K-K-Katy)
K-k-k-k- P, Dirty old K. P.
That’s the only Army job that I abhor;
When the m-m-m-moon shines over the guardhouse
I’ll be mopping up the k-k-k-kitchen floor

C-c-c-c- cootie, Horrible cootie
You’re the only b-b-b-bug that I abhor;
When the m-m-m-moon shines over the guardhouse
I’ll be scratching my b-b-b-back until it’s sore

Ft. Des Moines (Oglethorpe) WAC Song
(Tune: From the Halls of Montezuma)

You can tell a WAC from Ft. Des Moines
You can tell her by her walk
You can tell a WAC from Ft. Des Moines
You can tell her by her talk
You can tell a WAC from Ft. Des Moines
By her appetite and such
You can tell a WAC from Ft. Des Moines
But you cannot tell her much.

You can tell a WAC from Oglethorpe
You can tell her by her walk
You can tell a WAC from Oglethorpe
You can tell her by her talk
You can tell a WAC from Oglethorpe
By her appetite and such
You can tell a WAC from Oglethorpe
But you cannot tell her much.

This is the Army
(Tune: Irving Berlin’s “This is the Army, Mary Jones”)
This is the Army, Mary Jones,
No private rooms or telephones
You had your breakfast in bed before
But you won’t have it there any more.

This is the Army, Susie Green,
We like the barracks nice and clean,
You had a housemaid to clean your floor
But she won’t help you out any more.

Do what the bugler commands.
You’re in the Army and not in the band.
This is the Army, Betty Brown,
You and your baby went to town,
He had you worried, but this is war,
And he won’t worry you any more.

We were bombed last night, bombed the night before
And we’re going to get bombed tonight like we’ve never been bombed
When we
Re bombed, we’re as scared as we can be
They can bomb the whole darn Army, if they don’t bomb me.

They’re over us, over us
One little cave for the four of us
Glory be to God, there are no more of us
Or they’d surely bomb the whole darned crew.

WAC Thanks for the Memory
(Tune: “Thanks for the Memory”)
Thanks for the Memory
Of early morning stars
And friendly golden bars,
Of Reveille and bugle call
And changing of the guard.
Oh, thank you so much!
And Thanks for the Memory
Of parading on the Green
Where by Generals we were seen
Of column left, eyes right,
Forward March! The guide is right,
Oh, thanks you so much!
Many’s the time we’ll remember
The fun and the work we have don,
From the day we arrived in September
Till peace has come, the war is won.
Oh, Thanks for the Memory
Of living on the Post,
With Uncle Sam as host
And officers who understood
The things we needed most
Oh, thank you so much!

We’ll be Good Soldiers
(Tune: The Man on the Flying Trapeze)
Once we were civilians, but now we are WACs,
Dressed in our khaki, discarding our slacks,
Marching, saluting, with pains in our backs.
Our loves are so far, far away.

We may miss a kiss in the evening,
We may miss our breakfast in bed,
We may miss the dates and the dances,
We know there’s a hard job ahead, OH!!

Oh, the WAVES are so dickey, At least, so they think,
With perkiness hats, and their panties so pink’
But we like the Army, In spite of no drinks
And our loves are far, far away

We’ll be good soldiers if it takes us years,
We’ll stiffen our spines and we’ll pin back our ears,
We’ll flatten our tummies and tuck in our rears,
If that’s what it takes to be WACs.

Just for Fun ???

Oh, it’s brandy, brandy, brandy
That makes you feel so dandy;
In the Corps, in the Corps
In the Women’s Army Corps

Oh, it’s beer, beer, beer
That makes you feel so queer;
In the Corps, in the Corps
In the Women’s Army Corps

Oh, it’s gin, gin, gin
That puts you in a spin;
In the Corps, in the Corps
In the Women’s Army Corps

Oh, it’s wine, wine, wine
That makes you feel so fine;
In the Corps, in the Corps
In the Women’s Army Corps

Oh, it’s rum, rum, rum
That makes you feel so bum;
In the Corps, in the Corps
In the Women’s Army Corps

Oh, it’s whiskey, whiskey, whiskey
That makes you feel so frisky;
In the Corps, in the Corps
In the Women’s Army Corps

Gee, Mom, I Wanna Go Home
The UNIFORMS they give us, they say are mighty fine,
But I need Lana Turner, to fill the front of mine.
CHORUS: Oh, I don’t want no more of Army Life,
Gee, Mom, I wanna go, Gee, Mom I wanna go,
But they won’t let me go, Gee Mom I wanna go home.

The STOCKINGS that they give us, they say are mighty sheer,
You hang them in the laundry, and watch them disappear.

The SHOES that they give us, they say are mighty fine,
You ask for number seven, they give you number nine.

The COFFEE that they give us, they say are mighty fine,
It’s good for cuts and bruises, and tastes like iodine.

The BISCUITS that they give us, they say are mighty fine,
One rolled off the table, and killed a pal of mine.

The CHICKEN that they give us, they say is mighty fine,
Mine jumped off the table, and started marking time.

The PAY that they give us, they say is mighty fine,
They pay us fifty dollars and take back forty nine.

The BUNKS that they give us, they say is mighty fine,
I get up in the morning, with wrinkles on my spine.

A MATTRESS made of iron, a pillow made of lead
I wake up in the morning, with wrinkles on my head.

We do a lot of griping, it doesn’t mean a thing
We wouldn’t trade the Army for any other thing.

No, I don’t want to go, no I don’t’ want to go
No I don’t want to go home.

We Ain’t Gonna Get No Gigs No More


The Captain came in to squad room, One
A stocking showed that had a run
(Repeat verse, quick tempo

The Captain came in to squad room, Two
Someone forgot to tie her shoe
(Repeat verse, quick tempo

The Captain came in to squad room, Three
A wrinkled bed was there to see
(Repeat verse, quick tempo

The Captain came in to squad room, Four
She found some dirt behind the door
(Repeat verse, quick tempo

The Captain came in to squad room, Five
To look quite neat they all did strive
(Repeat verse, quick tempo

The Captain came in to squad room, Six
Discovered they had played some tricks
(Repeat verse, quick tempo

The Captain came in to squad room, Sev’n
Decided we wouldn’t get to Heav’n
(Repeat verse, quick tempo

The Captain came in to squad room, Eight
And saw that we had learned to wait!
(Repeat verse, quick tempo

CHORUS: We ain’t gonna get no gigs no more
We ain’t gonna get no gigs no more
We ain’t gonna get no gigs no more

Marching Along Together

Marching along together,
We’re the Women’s Army Corps,
Marching along together,
U.S.A. or foreign shore
We are the Women’s Army
For all the world to see
We’re khaki clad, and always glad
We’re here to do our part.
Without a cannon, without a gun,
We’re fighting with all our hearts.
Marching along together,
We’re the Women’s Army Corps!

Marching along together
No one’s gonna stop us now.
Marching along together,
No one’s gonna top us now,
Rolling along the highway
Sailing the sky and sea;
Oh rum-ti-tiddle-dee, beat the drum
And hold on to your lids
Oh rum-ti-tiddle-dee, here we come
The Yankee Doodle Kids,
Marching along together
All together to victory.

Oh Me! Oh My! That Ain’t G. I.

Once her mommie made her bed,
Cleaned her clothes and buttered her bread,
And her fav’rite dress was red
Oh me! Oh my! That ain’t G.I.

Then she came to camp one day
Quickly learned the WAC-y way,
Underwear café au lait,
Oh me! Oh my! Strictly G.I.

Said the WAC to the new recruit,
“Hey kid, you’re sure a beaut!
Short hair won’t make you so cute.”
Oh me! Oh my! Gotta be G.I.

In the mess hall she now stands
Buried ‘neath the pots and pans,
Getting pretty dishpan hands
K.P. Oh my! Gotta be G.I.

Hat and shoes and shirts don’t fit
Girdle bunches when you sit
Come on rookie, you can’t quit
Just heave a sigh, and be G.I.

Typhoid shots may knock you out
All day long you’ll hear “Fall Out”!
Give a grin and loudly shou5t5,
“Oh me! Oh my! Gotta be G.I.”

Winter, summer, spring or fall,
Should you try to end it all
You can’t die until Sick Call,
You see, if you die, gotta die G.I.

Bless ‘Em All
Bless ‘em all, Bless ‘em all
The long and the short and the tall;
Bless all the sergeants, we have to obey,
‘Cause we’re saying good-bye to them all
As back to the barracks they crawl;
No ice-cream and cookies for flat footed rookies,
So cheer up, my lads, Bless ‘Em All!

Bless ‘em all, Bless ‘em all,
The long and the short and the tall;
Bless all the blondies and all the brunettes,
Each lad is happy to take when he gets
“Cause we’re giving the eye to them all,
The ones that attract or appall;
Maud, Maggie, or Susie, you can’t be too choosey,
When you’re in camp, Bless ‘em all!
Heavy weight, underweight, big or small,
When you’re in camp, Bless ‘Em all

The Infantry
The Infantry, the Cavalry, the Fighting Engineers
Can never compare with Company 10, in a hundred thousand years!

We are all just diamonds, diamonds in the rough;
Just give us all a little time and watch us strut our stuff

As we go marching, and the band begins to P-L-A-Y,
You can hear the people shouting,
Company 10 is passing in review.

Tags that Jingle, Jangle Jingle
I’ve got tags that jingle, jangle, jingle
As I go marching merrily along;
I’ve got shots that tingle, tangle, tingle
But in my heart I always have a song.
Oh, Army life, with care and strife—
I’m a rippin’, snortin’, Auxie, but
I’ll be a Sergeant’s wife,
I’ve got tags that jingle, jangle, jingle
As I drill and gaily march along.

A legend in your own time
You really are, you know
IF there had never been a WAAC and then the WAC, there would be now women
soldiers in the Army today.
IF Oveta Culp Hobby had not responded so admirably to Pres. Roosevelt’s
request, guidelines for women in all the services would never have occurred.
IF all of YOU had not answered your Country’s call in World War II,
Korea, Vietnam… as well as all the sporadic outbreaks through the years…
there would be NO WAC VETERAN’S ASSOCIATION today.
IF if _ _ _ If _ _ _ If _ _ _ o many ifs BUT AREN’T YOU GLAD YOU SERVED.

By Stevie Stephens and Peg Honore’

WAC’s Pledge of Allegiance
We pledge allegiance to the land we love.
And all we hold most dear
Bequeathed to us by glories past
To cherish and revere
We guard our precious heritage
With pride and valor true
America, beloved land
We pledge our faith anew.

I’ve Got Six Pence (WAC Version)
I’ve got six pence,
Jolly, jolly, six pence
I’ve got six pence to last me all my life
I’ve got two pence to spend
And two pence to lend
And two pence to take home to my spouse

No cares have I to grieve me
No silly little boys to deceive me
I’m happy as a queen believe me
As we go rolling, rolling home
Rolling home, rolling home
Rolling home, rolling home
By the light of the silvery moon
Happy is the day when we WAACs get their pay
As we go rolling, rolling home.

I’ve got four pence
Jolly, jolly four pence
I’ve got four pence to last me all my life
I’ve got two pence to spend
And two pence to lend
And no pence to send home to my spouse
Poor spouse

I’ve got two pence
Jolly, jolly two pence
I’ve got two pence to last me all my life
I’ve got two pence to spend
And no pence to lend
And no pence to send home to my spouse
Poor spouse

I’ve got no pence
Jolly, jolly two pence
I’ve got no pence to last me all my life
I’ve got no pence to spend
And no pence to lend
And no pence to send home to my spouse
Poor spouse

I’m homeward bound
I’m at Fort McClellan pity me,
There’s not a man in the vicinity,
And every night at 9 they lock the doors,
I don’t know what the heck I ever came here for.
I’m gonna pack my bags, I’m homeward bound,
I’m gonna turn this damn fort upside down.
I’m gonna smoke drink, neck, peck,
What the heck, I’m a wreck.
Here we go! I’m homeward bound.
To the tune of: “Inky Dinky Par Le Vous”